Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Spirit.

So it's that time again. Everyone is wiping the dust of the Christmas decorations box that they have had stowed away all year. And are starting to decorate.

I remember when I was a child decorating the tree and putting the lights up was one of the highlights about Christmas. It was a magical time when Santa came to visit. He had a reindeer with a nose that glowed. He brought us gifts. And the family together.

As I was a child I had my favorite decoration. It was a gold wind chime looking thing that had diamonds down the bottom of it that used to hang down. I always used to place it by a blue Christmas light. So when the lights on the tree were turned on it would send blue rainbows all over the roof and floor. I was amazed at it's beauty. I can't remember how many times I fell asleep on the couch starting at the beautiful blue diamond.

We had many traditions as a child when Santa came. Every night in the week leading up to Christmas my father would play a Christmas carol CD. I swear I know all of those songs off the top of my head. Dad used to play that until we fell asleep too. I also had Christmas lights in my room. I used to turn them on and stare at them until I grew to tired to keep my eyes open. I used to wear tinsel in my hair. And glitter on my face. I used to hand out Candy Cains and Christmas cards.

I used to believe in Santa and the spirit of Christmas.

But now that I am older and I look at Christmas. I see angry and tired parents carting around screaming children. I see people spending money on people they don't even like. I see people stressed out trying to buy practically everyone they know a present. And sending them a card. I see putting the lights and Christmas tree up a burden. And lets not mention the preparation of the Christmas day feast. I see people cringe at the thought of having to wrap presents up then on Christmas day having the paper scattered across the house. Then they cringe again as they realise that they have to clean it up. People put up Christmas lights now only to enter competitions. What happened to putting them up because they add to the mystery of Santa Clause?

Christmas is no longer about the simple things. People don't think about the wonderful day they are going to have with there family. They don't care about the few healthy drinks they are going to have and the reminiscing of the past and the stupid things they have done with friends. They don't pray when they sit down for the Christmas lunch. Or sit and relax. Everything is tense. Everything has to be prefect. You have to be prefect. The presents you brought for people you don't like have to be perfect. God save you if your judged on the gift you brought. Your Family has to be on perfect behavior for the relatives you have staying with you or the relatives your going to go and see.

Everything has to be spot on or the day is ruined. I find this sad. I want to bring back the Christmases I used to have as a child. I want to put lights up in my room. Watch my blue glowing Diamond. Drive around town and watch Christmas lights not just for the competition but because it's Christmas!!

Christmas has lost it's spinelessness. I miss it. So this year. I am going to single handedly bring it back. Because in my reality - Santa is still real.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A bit of this. And a bit of that.

Like my title suggests - A little bit of this. And a little bit of that.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Generations past..

I was going to start this post with 'Remember when' but it didn't seem fitting. So instead this post is starting with -

'I wonder' ... I wonder what it would have been like to grow up in a society that still has values and moral standards.

I wonder what it would have been like to grow up amongst real men. You know the ones that don't straighten there hair. Wear eye liner. The ones that don't parade around in skinny black jeans. Listen to Justin Beiber and don't sleep with as many 'Chicks' as possible. Don't scratch your head. Can you really not remember real men? Sad isn't it. I am beginning to feel the same way.

I will remind you.

Real men are ones that aren't afraid to get dirt under there nails or roll around in the mud. The ones that are devoted to one partner. That work hard for there money and don't expect Mummy and Daddy to empty there wallets for there convince. The men that drive ute's around with a thousand dents in them and a few spots of healthy rust. None of those skyline, suped up, turbo pussy cars. Just to put it out there you don't impress me when you drive past me in your pussy car and rev the engine a few times. I think your a douche.

I wonder what it would have been like to grow up in a society that had manners and respect. I cannot remember the last time a man opened a door for me. Or took a carton from me that was too heavy. Or even nodded there head in acknowledgement as I walked past. Some old men still open doors for me. Take heavy freight. And nod there head. But they are old. It has been drilled into them from an early age. What happened to the younger generation? They need to start stepping up.

I wonder what it would have been like to walk down the street and see men less fashionable then me. Most of the men I see prancing down the street, walk like they are at a fashion show and have better clothes then I do. Have better hair. Have better moisturizers. Deodorants. And shoes then I do... AGAIN!! What happened?

I wonder what it would have been like to be asked for my number instead of "Do you have Facebook?" I would much better prefer talking to someone on the phone then over Facebook. It's too impersonal and you can't get to know someone properly over Facebook.

I say bring back the real man. The one from generations past. Who knew how to treat a girl on a date and show them a good time. Instead of the one who is more afraid of breaking a highly manicured nail and getting dirty then have a good adventure.

Too all men of this generation. It's time to stop chocking on hair spray. Go outside. Take a deep breath ofresh air. Wipe the make up off. Peel off the skinny jeans. Resuscitate your balls. Stop dressing like a drag queen on crack. And-


Friday, November 26, 2010


I have come to very many different conclusions this week. They hit me at random times. While I am doing random things. I do not even look for a conclusion or a thought. They just come to me. Maybe when you don't think about your problems. Or troubles. The answers come to you easier.

Some of the conclusions that have come to me this week are -

~ You can't change people. They must learn to change them selves. Or want to.

~ It is easy to be blinded by tiny obstacles in your way. Instead of standing back and looking at the whole picture. People only think of the here and now. Which isn't always a good. Or the best thing.

~ Some people don't know when to give up. They keep on pushing and pushing. Until one day the people they are pushing are going to explode.

~ There are always going to be bullies in life. In and out of school. In the work place. Within your family. And even within your group of friends.

~ You can't always get what you want. So there is no point in wishing you had it.

~ If it's not meant to be. It's not meant to be. Drop it. Move on. Forget. And continue to live your life.

~ Life would not be life without music. A good book. A wine. And friends.

~ Be yourself. If people don't like you for you. Then that is there problem. They are obviously not meant to be in your life.

~ It is okay to cry. To feel. To be an emotional wreck. To get drunk. To smoke. To 'Hook up'. To take some drugs. To be wild. And crazy. To swim naked. To drive in the dark with your lights off. To wish. Dream. And be weird. It's okay to be awkward. To feel uncomfortable. To hate people. As long as you know your limits and know when to stop. You can do what ever you want. And if people judge you for it. Fuck them.

~ If people try to make you feel guilty for something you had to do. Fuck them also. You don't need the drama. Or people like that around you. They will only drag you down in flames with them.

Life is too short to worry about what other people think. I know it is easier said then done. I should take a leaf out of my own book. I will forget all eventually. I think I just need to go and do all of the things that I want to do. And take some photos. :D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tomorrow is the day.

Tomorrow is the day.
Where everything changes.
Where I buy a new note book.
Forget the past.
Welcome the future.
Start swimming.
And walking.
Take more photos.
And write more stories.
Eat healthy.
Buy some new music.
Worry about me.
Make sure I am happy.
I save more money.
I stop drinking.
And smoking.
I spend more time outdoors.
I stop putting myself down.
I stop worrying.
About things that don't matter.
I tell my friends and family I love them.
And how much they mean to me.

Tomorrow I will.

Get up.
Go to the pool.
Have a shower.
Go to work.
Answer phones.
Check freight.
Have a cup of tea.
Go to lunch.
Go back to work.
Enter data into the system.
Answer more phones.
Speak to some customers.
Get in my car.
Drive home.
Go for a walk.
Take some photos.
Have a glass of water.
Have a shower.
Brush my teeth.
Go to bed.

And the next day I will do it all over again.
But this time.
I will be doing it for me.
Forgetting about my dark past.
And the dark people in it.
Moving on.
Letting go.
And living life for me.
And my future.

" Live life like you have no regrets,
Like there are no boundary's,
And like there is nothing holding you back."

Monday, November 22, 2010


Sometimes. I feel the need to write. I LOVE to write almost as much as I LOVE to read. It comes as naturally to me as breathing. I own a small library. And a small story book to rival it.

Not many people know this about me. And because no one reads this but people I feel comfortable sharing with. But I have an editor. Her name is Tracey Norris and for the past year she has been editing my book. Yes. That's right. I have written a book. And one day I hope to get it published. It is one of my ultimate dreams. If I died after my book was published. I would be happy. I want to put something into this world. To make people remember me. For me. And nothing else.

So when I get in moods where I want to write. I write short stories and ponder upon ideas for my second book. I got in the mood to write this afternoon and this is what I created in the space of ten minutes.

She stood on top of the hill that took her half an hour to climb, gasping for air. With her hands on her knees she looked up and out at the surrounding view. Exhausted as she was she stood up straighter, put her had across her brow and smiled at the view she had climbed to see.

There was greenery for miles around her. To the left was the ocean that sparkled like a sea of diamonds. In front of her and across the valley were massive mountains, nothing like the one she was standing on now. Capped with snow. When she squinted her eyes she could make out small streams of melted snow trickling and tracking there way down the mountain range to the ocean. The clouds sailed over her head making strange patchy patterns across the sky and the sun beat down on her already tanned skin. As she stood admiring the view the cool breeze slowly cooled her down.

Eventually, she took in the view to her full extent and sat down under a large apple tree that was perched a few meters from the edge of the mountain. There were a few ripe green apples, she reached for one and moaned as it crunched and fresh apple juice streamed down her parched throat slightly quenching her thirst.

As she ate, relaxed and cooled down. She leaned back against the large tree trunk and within seemingly no time at all she fell asleep. Her long black hair fell across her face and sheltered her eyes from the sun that was slowly setting, her thick cotton dress keeping her warm in the cool breeze and the sounds of nature all around her rocked her into a light sleep like a child in a bassinet.

I know it's not much. And it isn't detailed as much as I would have liked. But it is only a rough copy. And who knows if I like this story. I may play with it more and see where it leads.

My short story's help me escape. And I hope reading this short pointless story made you feel like you were really on the mountain with that girl. Even if it was only for a second.

Friday, November 19, 2010

This feeling.

Sometimes I get in moods. Good moods. Where I feel like I can do anything. I did all of my chores this morning and felt on top of the world.

I watched the clouds roll across the sky while I was hanging my clothes out. Sometimes watching clouds makes me wonder what it would be like to be up there floating with them. The more I think about it the more windy I think it would be. Some clouds zoom across the sky. They must be moving at great speeds. When I think about clouds I think about flying.

And then when I think about flying. I think about Jess. She recently moved to Canada. To be with the one she loves. When I think about Jess flying across the skys. Having new adventures. And meeting new people. It makes me wants to fly across the skys too. And the more I want to do it. The more I know I am. It is only a matter of time. And money. Which I am saving for now.

This blog is random. And the thought of flying hit me at a random time. While I was standing out in the hot sun hanging out my same old clothes. A smile spread across my face as I realised that I was going to travel and fly and do all the things I want. It is only a matter of getting my passport. A ticket. And jumping on a plane. Then like thousands of people across the world.

I will be flying too.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rain. Rain.

It's raining. It's poring. :D

I will say this once.


There is something about the smell of the air and the dampness of my hair and skin that makes me feel alive when it rains. After it rains I feel like the earth and my soul has been cleansed. I was going to go for a walk this afternoon and take some photos while listening to my music. But I like being trapped inside listening to the rain as I relax after work just as much.

I love how water piles along the road. I love how you can walk in puddles. And drive through them. I love the smell or the rain. The sound it makes as you fall asleep. The way it looks when its falling from the sky. The way if makes you want to lay in bed all day. Watching movies and snuggling with someone special. Or even just a teddy bear :D I like the way you can be imaginative when it rains. I love how you can run through it. Avoid it or curse it.

I love everything about the rain. So much so I had to write a blog on it. hehe.


Gosh. I hate this. I am feeling so sick. I got sick Sunday afternoon and it has been getting worse daily. My throat feels like it is on fire. My voice is all crackly and my nose is running like a tap. I have Flem in my chest and it hurts so much when I cough and sneeze. I hope that I can get over this soon. Last night I had the worst sleep. I woke with the biggest headache at around 1.30am and could not get back to sleep. Argh. This weekend I have decided that I am going to sleep it off.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I know I should not be so immature. I know that I should try and be nice. Take the higher path. Be the better person. But I don't want to. Writing stupid little things all over Facebook just angers me more. But hey. At least I can say that I have a stalker who stalks my blog. And I want to say another thing before I move on. It takes so much more energy to hate someone then pretty much anything else. And if you hate me so much. It means that you still care.

Now that I have got that out of my system. I can move on :P

I just recently celebrated my 21st birthday. I still cringe at the fact that I am 21. But now that my birthday is over and everything has turned back no normal. It is not so bad.

I received a new camera for my birthday. It is nothing flash. But it is a nice camera. I went for another walk the other day and took some photos. The quality is great. But after a while taking photos of the same thing kinda gets boring. I have decided to up load some photos. Just to show some of my home town. I dunno if anyone important reads this. Or even checks it out. But one day some random may be strolling through blogger and see them :P

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I went out and brought a book on dreams this evening. I think it would have been a good idea if I could remember my dreams. I probably could have looked up my dream meanings on Google. But I like to have something real. That I can touch. And hold. In front of me.

I once had a dream that I was flying over an ocean. Like the picture I up loaded. I was flying with a man. I never spoke to him. But I knew that he was special to me. Eventually we came to land on a two story house. It was my old house that I used to live in before I moved to St George. We landed on the roof. We hugged each other and Kissed each other.

The next thing I knew there were villagers throwing sticks and arrows at us. They were calling out. Calling us 'Witches' and 'Scourers' My partner held onto me and protected me from the deadly things that were being thrown at us. Even though we could fly. I don't know why we didn't take off.

While my partner was holding me. He suddenly gasped. He turned to me wide eyes and scared. I remember that his eyes were black. He had dark hair that swept past his ears. He was amazingly built. And he was mine. I smiled at him. He continued to stare at me then frowned. He looked down and my eyes followed his. I stared in shock. He had an arrow head through his chest. He crumpled to the ground. As a pool of blood formed around him.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I took off from the roof. But I could not fly as well as I had earlier. Tears were streaming down my face. I just managed to fly above a fence. I made it and was still crying hysterically. As I ran away from the mob that was chasing me.

I woke suddenly when I had this dream to the sensation that I was falling. I was tangled in my sheets and I felt like crying for real. The feelings. Emotions. And despair seemed to follow me from my dreaming world to my awake. And alert world. It took me forever to get back to sleep after I had this dream.

When I got my grubby paws onto this dream book the dream I had above. And the flying part is the first thing that I searched for.

Flying means -

Dreaming of flying as an adult usually indicates that you are feeling unusually happy, buoyant and optimistic. Such dreams generally occur when you've overcome your problems and made real progress in your life. Occasionally a dream of flight is accompanied by feelings of fear and unhappiness. This usually reflects a subconscious with to 'fly away' from all the problems besetting you in your waking life.

I do not know what was happening in my life at the time I had the dream. It was ages ago. But I think the dream represents the latter.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I believe that if I did not have music. I would not have a life. There are so many songs out there that get everyone through the day. And through there deepest and darkest lows. Or there highest and brightest high.

Without music I believe I would be lost. I have so many favorite artists I would be ranting on forever. Sometimes when I listen to music. I get sad. I feel like going for a walk. Or a run. Sometimes I laugh. Sometimes I cry. I feel. Believe. And embrace. I find it amazing the type of mood different music can put you into.

I have also been thinking that 2011 is coming up soon. I can feel already that it is the year everything is going to change. I dunno if I am scared Or excited. But what ever is going to happen. Hopefully it will be for the best. If not. I am young and I know I will bounce back.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I went for a walk today. It was beautiful. I have been on prettier walks. But this one was just as nice. I never seem to get over the wonder of how beautiful this world is. There are so many amazing things and people out there. And I can not wait to meet and experience these things.

I have seen so many of other peoples pictures and heard so many of other peoples stories that I cannot wait to make my own. One day I want to be able to tell my children all of the amazing things that I have done and seen. They will hold the world in wonder. And want to experience it like I want to.

I want to laugh with foreign people. Listen to there accents. And experience there way of life. I want to travel on the other side of the road. And watch the toilet flush in the other direction. I want to get a tattoo. Have too many drinks <-- Not like I have never done that. Haha. But I would love to have too many drinks in another country. I want to taste exotic foods. And experience exotic places. With exotic people. I want to forget the past. And not worry about the future. I want to have a tan. And feel the sand between my toes. And the walk through the forest as I hear the forest creatures around me and feel at one with my being and everything else.

One day all of this will happen for me. I know it will. Because I am going to make it happen.

Monday, November 1, 2010


So it his me hard today. As I was minding my own business. I was hit with something that shocked me. This morning at work. I was filling in the date on some paperwork. And I realized that it is the 1/11/10. Okay. So that's not really important. What is, is that I am 21 in 12 days.....

Where the fuck has that time gone? And what the fuck have I done in that time? Nothing. That is 21 years of my wasted life that I will never get back. I am over halfway to 40. Seriously? What the fuck.

I step back and look at my friends lives and I again feel inadequate. I feel like I am not good enough. That I am lacking SOMETHING that makes me special like all of my friends are. Every single one of my friends has something that they are good at. Throw a name at me and I could tell you there gift within a second. Ask me what my talents or gifts are and I freeze. I am not good at anything. That I can think of. And when I do think about what I am good at I get depressed. Because I can't think of anything.

* Sighs * But life must go on. I do get the feeling all of the time that there is something bigger and better out there for me. Maybe one day something drastic will happen. And my life will change forever. I really do wish that day would hurry up. I do not know how much longer I can survive living for a dream. That may or may not happen.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I feel like I am alone in this world. All of my friends seem to be having kids. Getting Married. Have boy friends or girlfriends. Are going amazing things. Or are traveling the world. But me? No I have not done or had any of those things yet. And I am 21 next month. I feel like I am always 2 years behind everyone. Most of my grade had boy friends or girl friends in school. I did not have one until after. Probably a year and a half after. Most of my friends have traveled. I am only starting to travel next year. Most of my friends have had numerous partners. I have only had one.

Maybe it is because I live in St George that I feel the way I do. We have a very limited choice in men here. I think it could almost be as extreme as 3 boys to 1 girl. Whenever I meet someone, They are too young. They are not looking for a relationship. They have children. They are engaged. Or they have a girlfriend. I seriously do not know why I bother even searching and going out sometimes.

I have always been a hermit. And I like it that way. Life is simple when I can read a book. Stay home in my trackies. Instead of going out. Getting hit on my fat, Balding men. Or by "Bogans" I feel comfortable at home. I feel comfortable not having to prove myself. I think that I am weird. And awkward. And stupid. An idiot. Uncontrollable. Loud. Not like the rest. And I think that if someone gets to close to me they are going to get scared. Or freaked out because I am "Odd" I prefer to stay home. Maybe from now on that it what I will do. It's easier that way. Things will happen eventually. I am not putting myself out there anymore.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Yeah, you. I walked past you today. I wanted to laugh and point. But Didn't. I dunno why...

I still get sick every time that I look at you and it has been years... When I step back and look at our friendship I realize how immature you are. I really am glad to be away from all of that mess. We had an awesome friendship, but all good things come to an end. I look at your life and I would hate to be where you are. You may think you have it all, but I am telling you now. YOU DON'T.

My life has been great since we fought. I have moved on and up. I have amazing friends and have done amazing things. All without you. I am proud of where I am. I have a full time job. I have money. I have an awesome family and friends. I have no debt. And I am loving life. All without you. I hope if you ever do read this, it hurts. I tried being nice to you. But you did not even reply to me. So Fuck you I say. And good riddance.

Monday, August 30, 2010

... Nothing too interesting ...

I find reading other people's blogs fascinating...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

... FINALLY, A post ...

Yeah I know, I have been lame. I haven't posted on here for ages, But I do have an excuse.

I have been busy. DA DA DAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

I know that it is a pretty weak excuse, but it's true! I have been living it up in the big smoke, wasting my days away eating Sushi, ice skating, shopping, watching movies, relaxing and catching up with family.

All in all it has been a pretty EPIC week.

Every time that I leave Brisbane I get so sad, there is so much there and so little where I live It's annoying. Sometimes I feel like I am living in a box and I am prepared to get out.

One day I shall be living in Brisbane! :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

... Good Quote ...

At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world.

Some are runnign scared, some are coming home, some tell lies

to make it through the day, others are just now facing the truth,

some are evil men at war with good, and some are good

struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion

souls and sometimes all you need is one. - One Tree Hill

Monday, June 28, 2010

... Frozen ...

So it really is time to pull out the slippers, beanies, socks, gloves, jackets and scarves!

This morning It was -1 degrees! My car had ICE on the windscreen and I had to scrape it off with a piece of plastic, it was totally insane and FREEZING!!!!!!

There was steam coming out of the gutters and there was ice all over the side of the road!

I really wished that I lived where it did snow, yeah it would be freezing but it would be so beautiful.

I'm going to try and take some photos tomorrow morning so that you guys can see what I see!

Aimee Out!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

... Just having a rant ...

I know it has been a while since I have made a post and I thought that it was about time that I did! It has been too long, And your supposed to keep these things up to date right?

So here I go... In this blog post - Like my title suggests I am going to have a rant. I have been stressed and this blog seems like the only place where I can have a de stress session!

But to start off I'll take it slowly and then just type whatever comes flying from my mind to the key board!

This past week I have been taking Charlie on walks/jogs, he loves walking around and so do I. I would love to say that it's a great time to have a think and chill lax but for me it isn't. I don't really think about anything at all, like never really. Now that I'm getting older I seem to find myself thinking less and less and doing things without even a second thought.

It's like I don't really care anymore, and everyday worries, thoughts and pressures don't seem to faze me or matter. I'm content sitting back and watching the days go slowly (and sometimes fast) by.

When I do have thought's though it's always about something stupid like -
"Ohhhh Look at that bird, isn't it pretty? I wonder why it's going that? Where is it flying to... I wish I could fly, Now THAT would be awesome!"
So do you get the picture yet?

I think about random insignificant shit that no one really gives a fuck about! - But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's better than being a mindless drone and only thinking about and liking things because you have been told to.

AND While were on the subject on only doing things because were told too! What's the go with Kevin Rudd! I thought that he was a great leader! He saved us from major economic downfall unlike in the USA The stimulus package was a great idea and it saved our country!
Sure there have been a lot of broken promises! - But broken promises happen to everyone, everyday!
And if the Australian public is stupid enough to actually believe what the Labor Party promised when they were petitioning for government you have got to be mentally challenged! You should know that politicians only say the things that they think people want to hear even if it is the most ridiculous and impossible thing to deliver!

Seriously, some people need to grow up and grow some brains while they are at it! In my personal opinion Australia is turning to shit! Not to sound racist in my following statement but she is female, has no idea what she is doing, Looks like a fuck head and to top it all off she is a fucking RANGA!!!! (Sorry Bruce if you read this! I love your red shaded hair! Xx! ha ha!) but come on... What are you thinking!

I personally think that it should be put to the Australian public's vote to choose who we want to lead our country! We chose Kevin Rudd for a reason. We should be able to choose who we want in government now!!!

Sorry to all of the people out there who are reading this!
I'm a very angry person today and I'm sorry if my views have upset you... But no offence this is my blog and if you don't like it! Deal with it, or just don't read it, because I'm in such a bad mood today, I don't really care!

Aimee out! Xx!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

... So True ...

Okay, so the following quote is soooo True! I love it and I have to Share!

" Life is like a box of chocolates.
A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for.
Un returnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates.
So you're stuck with this undefinable whipped mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat.
Sure, once in a while there's a peanut butter cup or an English toffee.
But they're gone too fast and the taste is... fleeting.
So, you end up with nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts.
And if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you got left is an empty box filled with useless brown paper wrappers "

- The Cigarette Smoking Man, The X-Files

It makes you think...

Aimee Out! Xx!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

... My weekend ...

Oh my goodness!!!

I had a great weekend! I went away to Brisbane and just relaxed, watched some movies, ate some sushi, went shopping, got drunk and had a bon fire, I went to the Brisbane international air port as well and drove over the new gateway bridge I also did some other stuff that I don't think I should mention. But to put it simply...


... apart from my drive up there when I realized that I had no headlights and get delayed for two hours while they were fixed it was a pretty good weekend.

It was so good to get away from the tiny town I live in but it's always good to be back too.
I don't know if I could ever move away and be as happy as I am here! It's so weird because when I first moved here I was so depressed and hated it!

But now I love it and couldn't imagine leaving it, It's funny how that works sometimes!

I still haven't figured out how to put up multiple pictures on here but leave it with me... I'll figure it out one day!

I can't really think of anything else to type so...

Aimee Out!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

... More winter ...

I took this image yesterday morning as I was driving to work!

This is the river that I love by and you couldn't even see the water. The fog was so intense!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

... WINTER ...

Now that winter is here, there have been some amazing and beautiful mornings and nights.

So I thought I would share! I finally figured out how to sync my phone and my computer so I can upload some awesome pickies!!

So without further adu I give you WINTER!!!!

Okay... So Fail... I haven't figured out how to add lots of photos with out my typing going all retarded and being cut off! So give me some time and I'll try and figure it out!

I took this photo this morning at work! It was all foggy and freezing! And I love the way that the truck is moving through the fog!! Sooooo Pretty!

So anyways internet people thanks for reading this shirt blog!

Aimee out!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

... Writers Block ...

I think my title says it all...

This week I have been struggling with writers block, bad days at work and pounding headaches! - Speaking of headaches I unfortunately have one right now... Dammit!

But all in all this week had been pretty uneventful, I have taken Charlie for a walk every night! I'm very proud of that achievement, he gets to wonder across the river path while I dance along behind him in the cold wind and breeze listening to some amazing music. It's great I love it!

I don't think that I have told you internet people that I went and seen Alice and Wonderland last weekend. It was a small school production, but was pretty good.

One of my favorite quotes from the play is the one that I find most interesting.

" Dreams are the oddest things.
If were just mad enough,
we start to believe in them,
and then... Well, anything is possible "

I love this quote and for some reason it made me think, in a backwards kind of way that maybe we are all living in a dream.

Now, I know i'm going to start getting a bit weird here but please keep on reading.

What if were living in a dream world?

And the things that we think are dreams are actually glimpses of our real lives?

I mean, like where the hell does De Ja Vu come from?

I once got told that when we experience De Ja Vu it's because our soul has been there before... But how?

I have so many unanswered questions that just make me more and more confused the more I think about it. Sometimes I think that our stories are already written out for us, and we are just puppets placed on this earth to live out things, people and places that have already been written.

If that's the case, why can't we be given a hint? If I knew I was going to die of cancer, I would smoke and get burnt in the sun as much as I wanted. But what if I did know what I was going to die of? Maybe I wouldn't do those things that I KNOW are going to kill me.

What ever it is it's all very interesting! It makes me think of some weird and random stuff and if I keep on typing I will be here all night writing to no one in particular about random shit that no one really cares about.

So I must be off as this blog doesn't make any sense and it's getting late!

I was actually planning on writing about going away next weekend and saving, But for some reason this is what flowed through my body and onto this page.

So sorry for the weirdness internet world!

Aimee out! Xx!

Monday, May 31, 2010

... Whip it, Whip it good ...

Now, don't be mislead by my entry title, there is no whipping going on here. ha ha!

Last night I was listening to this classic song and decided that I needed some MAJOR motivation - for anything. So I told myself that starting today I was going to save like crazy and start treating my body like a temple... So far I haven't done so good.

Last night I made myself promise that I would start eating correctly - EPIC FAIL!!!
Well It wasn't an epic fail, it was more of a fail. I had a few lollies with my lunch and a biscuit this afternoon when I finished work... So I suppose I wasn't too bad!

At least I passed on another thing.. I went for a walk tonight :) I took myself and my sexy beast of a dog for a walk in the wind and rain. Now, I must say I have never believed in all of that bull shit about 'Feeling the energy of the earth' but I must say tonight, I felt it.

I was listening to some amazing songs on my iPod, Charlie was walking and wondering across the path sniffing at anything he could find. There was a light misty rain that make it look amazing and when I looked into the path light, it looked like there were thousands of tiny diamonds floating through the air. The wind whipped my hair around my shoulders and I didn't have a care or a worry in the world. I felt rejuvenated. I felt like I was truly alive, and to top it off I was happy within myself and everything around me.

I haven't felt like that in ages and I now plan on taking Charlie and myself for a walk every night. Another thing that topped it off was the fact that I was cold. I love winter, you can always snuggle, and put more clothes on if your feeling a bit chilly - everything about winter, my friends and the beautiful town I live in makes me truly happy.

So for this I say thank you to whoever is out there guiding me through life at the moment. I have had hard times and sad times, tough times and depressing times. Hopefully for now it's all in the past and I can keep on living the dream and moving forward.

So, to the internet people out there sorry for the soppy and heart felt blog and if you made it this far High Flipping Five!!!! And if not - I don't really care because this is my blog bitch'es!!! Deal with it! ahahah!

Aimee Out! Xx!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

...First Blog Entry...

Right, so this is my first blog entry.

I don't even know where to start, except to tell you all out there in internet world that i'm chasing my dreams, I'm going to travel the world and see all of the beautiful sights that I have only seen in pictures. I am going to experience amazing cultures and meet intriguing people along that way.

But, unfortunately putting that into words is a hell of a lot easier than actually DOING it and getting into the correct mindset, so that you can plan and save.

It's frustrating, complicated, annoying and just plain hard.

But, I am determined and plan to take you all along for the ride, including the up's and the down's. I'm going to let the internet world know that no matter how hard it is to follow your dreams if you truly set your mind to something, you can make it happen.

Wish me luck!