Friday, November 26, 2010


I have come to very many different conclusions this week. They hit me at random times. While I am doing random things. I do not even look for a conclusion or a thought. They just come to me. Maybe when you don't think about your problems. Or troubles. The answers come to you easier.

Some of the conclusions that have come to me this week are -

~ You can't change people. They must learn to change them selves. Or want to.

~ It is easy to be blinded by tiny obstacles in your way. Instead of standing back and looking at the whole picture. People only think of the here and now. Which isn't always a good. Or the best thing.

~ Some people don't know when to give up. They keep on pushing and pushing. Until one day the people they are pushing are going to explode.

~ There are always going to be bullies in life. In and out of school. In the work place. Within your family. And even within your group of friends.

~ You can't always get what you want. So there is no point in wishing you had it.

~ If it's not meant to be. It's not meant to be. Drop it. Move on. Forget. And continue to live your life.

~ Life would not be life without music. A good book. A wine. And friends.

~ Be yourself. If people don't like you for you. Then that is there problem. They are obviously not meant to be in your life.

~ It is okay to cry. To feel. To be an emotional wreck. To get drunk. To smoke. To 'Hook up'. To take some drugs. To be wild. And crazy. To swim naked. To drive in the dark with your lights off. To wish. Dream. And be weird. It's okay to be awkward. To feel uncomfortable. To hate people. As long as you know your limits and know when to stop. You can do what ever you want. And if people judge you for it. Fuck them.

~ If people try to make you feel guilty for something you had to do. Fuck them also. You don't need the drama. Or people like that around you. They will only drag you down in flames with them.

Life is too short to worry about what other people think. I know it is easier said then done. I should take a leaf out of my own book. I will forget all eventually. I think I just need to go and do all of the things that I want to do. And take some photos. :D

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