Monday, June 28, 2010

... Frozen ...

So it really is time to pull out the slippers, beanies, socks, gloves, jackets and scarves!

This morning It was -1 degrees! My car had ICE on the windscreen and I had to scrape it off with a piece of plastic, it was totally insane and FREEZING!!!!!!

There was steam coming out of the gutters and there was ice all over the side of the road!

I really wished that I lived where it did snow, yeah it would be freezing but it would be so beautiful.

I'm going to try and take some photos tomorrow morning so that you guys can see what I see!

Aimee Out!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

... Just having a rant ...

I know it has been a while since I have made a post and I thought that it was about time that I did! It has been too long, And your supposed to keep these things up to date right?

So here I go... In this blog post - Like my title suggests I am going to have a rant. I have been stressed and this blog seems like the only place where I can have a de stress session!

But to start off I'll take it slowly and then just type whatever comes flying from my mind to the key board!

This past week I have been taking Charlie on walks/jogs, he loves walking around and so do I. I would love to say that it's a great time to have a think and chill lax but for me it isn't. I don't really think about anything at all, like never really. Now that I'm getting older I seem to find myself thinking less and less and doing things without even a second thought.

It's like I don't really care anymore, and everyday worries, thoughts and pressures don't seem to faze me or matter. I'm content sitting back and watching the days go slowly (and sometimes fast) by.

When I do have thought's though it's always about something stupid like -
"Ohhhh Look at that bird, isn't it pretty? I wonder why it's going that? Where is it flying to... I wish I could fly, Now THAT would be awesome!"
So do you get the picture yet?

I think about random insignificant shit that no one really gives a fuck about! - But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's better than being a mindless drone and only thinking about and liking things because you have been told to.

AND While were on the subject on only doing things because were told too! What's the go with Kevin Rudd! I thought that he was a great leader! He saved us from major economic downfall unlike in the USA The stimulus package was a great idea and it saved our country!
Sure there have been a lot of broken promises! - But broken promises happen to everyone, everyday!
And if the Australian public is stupid enough to actually believe what the Labor Party promised when they were petitioning for government you have got to be mentally challenged! You should know that politicians only say the things that they think people want to hear even if it is the most ridiculous and impossible thing to deliver!

Seriously, some people need to grow up and grow some brains while they are at it! In my personal opinion Australia is turning to shit! Not to sound racist in my following statement but she is female, has no idea what she is doing, Looks like a fuck head and to top it all off she is a fucking RANGA!!!! (Sorry Bruce if you read this! I love your red shaded hair! Xx! ha ha!) but come on... What are you thinking!

I personally think that it should be put to the Australian public's vote to choose who we want to lead our country! We chose Kevin Rudd for a reason. We should be able to choose who we want in government now!!!

Sorry to all of the people out there who are reading this!
I'm a very angry person today and I'm sorry if my views have upset you... But no offence this is my blog and if you don't like it! Deal with it, or just don't read it, because I'm in such a bad mood today, I don't really care!

Aimee out! Xx!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

... So True ...

Okay, so the following quote is soooo True! I love it and I have to Share!

" Life is like a box of chocolates.
A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for.
Un returnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates.
So you're stuck with this undefinable whipped mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat.
Sure, once in a while there's a peanut butter cup or an English toffee.
But they're gone too fast and the taste is... fleeting.
So, you end up with nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts.
And if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you got left is an empty box filled with useless brown paper wrappers "

- The Cigarette Smoking Man, The X-Files

It makes you think...

Aimee Out! Xx!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

... My weekend ...

Oh my goodness!!!

I had a great weekend! I went away to Brisbane and just relaxed, watched some movies, ate some sushi, went shopping, got drunk and had a bon fire, I went to the Brisbane international air port as well and drove over the new gateway bridge I also did some other stuff that I don't think I should mention. But to put it simply...


... apart from my drive up there when I realized that I had no headlights and get delayed for two hours while they were fixed it was a pretty good weekend.

It was so good to get away from the tiny town I live in but it's always good to be back too.
I don't know if I could ever move away and be as happy as I am here! It's so weird because when I first moved here I was so depressed and hated it!

But now I love it and couldn't imagine leaving it, It's funny how that works sometimes!

I still haven't figured out how to put up multiple pictures on here but leave it with me... I'll figure it out one day!

I can't really think of anything else to type so...

Aimee Out!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

... More winter ...

I took this image yesterday morning as I was driving to work!

This is the river that I love by and you couldn't even see the water. The fog was so intense!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

... WINTER ...

Now that winter is here, there have been some amazing and beautiful mornings and nights.

So I thought I would share! I finally figured out how to sync my phone and my computer so I can upload some awesome pickies!!

So without further adu I give you WINTER!!!!

Okay... So Fail... I haven't figured out how to add lots of photos with out my typing going all retarded and being cut off! So give me some time and I'll try and figure it out!

I took this photo this morning at work! It was all foggy and freezing! And I love the way that the truck is moving through the fog!! Sooooo Pretty!

So anyways internet people thanks for reading this shirt blog!

Aimee out!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

... Writers Block ...

I think my title says it all...

This week I have been struggling with writers block, bad days at work and pounding headaches! - Speaking of headaches I unfortunately have one right now... Dammit!

But all in all this week had been pretty uneventful, I have taken Charlie for a walk every night! I'm very proud of that achievement, he gets to wonder across the river path while I dance along behind him in the cold wind and breeze listening to some amazing music. It's great I love it!

I don't think that I have told you internet people that I went and seen Alice and Wonderland last weekend. It was a small school production, but was pretty good.

One of my favorite quotes from the play is the one that I find most interesting.

" Dreams are the oddest things.
If were just mad enough,
we start to believe in them,
and then... Well, anything is possible "

I love this quote and for some reason it made me think, in a backwards kind of way that maybe we are all living in a dream.

Now, I know i'm going to start getting a bit weird here but please keep on reading.

What if were living in a dream world?

And the things that we think are dreams are actually glimpses of our real lives?

I mean, like where the hell does De Ja Vu come from?

I once got told that when we experience De Ja Vu it's because our soul has been there before... But how?

I have so many unanswered questions that just make me more and more confused the more I think about it. Sometimes I think that our stories are already written out for us, and we are just puppets placed on this earth to live out things, people and places that have already been written.

If that's the case, why can't we be given a hint? If I knew I was going to die of cancer, I would smoke and get burnt in the sun as much as I wanted. But what if I did know what I was going to die of? Maybe I wouldn't do those things that I KNOW are going to kill me.

What ever it is it's all very interesting! It makes me think of some weird and random stuff and if I keep on typing I will be here all night writing to no one in particular about random shit that no one really cares about.

So I must be off as this blog doesn't make any sense and it's getting late!

I was actually planning on writing about going away next weekend and saving, But for some reason this is what flowed through my body and onto this page.

So sorry for the weirdness internet world!

Aimee out! Xx!