Monday, July 18, 2011

Thoughts in overdrive.

I went to a physic the other day....

It was very interesting and very accurate at the same time. I hadn't made up my mind as to whether I believed in that sort of stuff, but after seeing this lady, I completely believe.

She said things about me that no one would have known, she looked into my eyes and told me all of the things that I hadn't told a soul, I sat there speechless as she listed things that I was thinking about doing and how my future is going to turn out.

I know not to live my life by the things that physics say, but I am reassured. I was having doubts about what I was planning on doing with my life. Now, I no longer have them. I know that I am going to be okay.

I think the thing that convinced me the most was that she spoke to my dead grandfather, the things she said about him made me cry. She hit his personality dead on. It was amazing, I know that no matter what I have someone looking after me. I probably sound like a crack head, but I really don't care.

From now on I am going to send out good thoughts to the universe. There is no point being negative, because if you are it's only going to attract more negativity and negative people.

Before I go and start my new positive life I have to say one last thing...

Bruce McWhirter go Fuck yourself. Mwahahahahahahaha!!
