Thursday, August 25, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Thoughts in overdrive.

I went to a physic the other day....

It was very interesting and very accurate at the same time. I hadn't made up my mind as to whether I believed in that sort of stuff, but after seeing this lady, I completely believe.

She said things about me that no one would have known, she looked into my eyes and told me all of the things that I hadn't told a soul, I sat there speechless as she listed things that I was thinking about doing and how my future is going to turn out.

I know not to live my life by the things that physics say, but I am reassured. I was having doubts about what I was planning on doing with my life. Now, I no longer have them. I know that I am going to be okay.

I think the thing that convinced me the most was that she spoke to my dead grandfather, the things she said about him made me cry. She hit his personality dead on. It was amazing, I know that no matter what I have someone looking after me. I probably sound like a crack head, but I really don't care.

From now on I am going to send out good thoughts to the universe. There is no point being negative, because if you are it's only going to attract more negativity and negative people.

Before I go and start my new positive life I have to say one last thing...

Bruce McWhirter go Fuck yourself. Mwahahahahahahaha!!


Sunday, May 29, 2011


I Have so many words running through my mind but I have no way of writing them down in a way that makes sense.

Tyler, you were an amazing person. It was only a month ago that I was talking to you and having a drink with you. If I had known then that it would have been the last time I was going to see you I would have hugged you longer or had another drink, I would have asked you more questions and told you that you played guitar amazingly.

You were taken from this life too soon, for reasons no one understands.

Rest In Peace Tyler... You will be missed by all. Xx.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Into the wild.

Over the Easter/ANZAC Break I went to visit a few friends on the coast. We mostly hung out all day and watched movies, ate take away, spoke shit, went for walks and hung out in the pool.

One night after my friends and I finished swimming, we decided to put on a movie. We all got on the couch, opened the door and got some blankets and made ourselves comfortable. There was a list of moves that we could watch on my friends computer and I got to choose what movie we would watch. When I skimmed over the movie 'Into the wild' I asked what it was like. Some of my friends told me it was good, another said it was boring and another said that it was his favorite movie.

I had heard of the movie, but never watched it.

The movie it's self was amazing. At the end I found myself almost in tears and deeply disturbed. 'Alexander Supertramp' as he came to name himself was a genius. Some say he was crazy and suicidal. But I don't think that, I see him as a man on a mission. He was set out to find himself, leave society behind, he lived his last two years by no rules, no expectations. He stopped caring what people thought of him, he was living his life for him.

After the movie it got me thinking more then I have before, I had already started to reject society and it's conformist ways. I had always been a hermit, I hated going out trying to impress people, and worrying about what to wear and say.

It got me thinking more along the lines of: Why am I going the things that I am expected to do, and not the things I want?

Why can't I just drop everything and walk, go where I want, meet new amazing people, Live off the land? What is the point of working? When you die everything is worthless anyway. Why not make the most out of this life and do the things that you want to do?

I hardly have any bills, I only have a car because I need one, Or maybe I just have one because everyone else has a car. Maybe I have a laptop because everyone else has one, and maybe the only reason that I have a job is because it has been driven into me since I was young. "You must work, you need a job." Why? To work my ass off for things that I didn't realize I needed until someone told me?

It also got me thinking that when someone does go off to follow there dreams, and it does not have something to do with money, or a nice house, or finding a boyfriend or husband. They are labeled weird? Why are people with original thought and imagination rejected? Since when was it such a bad thing to be yourself? My closest friend's may think they know me but they don't. Truth is, I am afraid to show the real me on fear of being rejected. It hardly seems fair that I should have to hide the real Aimee Woodrow. I think that I may stop being what people expect me to be and be myself. Because if you don't accept me at my worst and weirdest, then you sure as hell don't deserve to know me at all.

I have come to the conclusion that there are no weird people in this world - Only original ones and they are a dying race.

This movie has stirred something deep within me. Most of my life I have felt like I have been waiting for something great to happen to me. Now more then ever I feel like I am meant for greater things.

When I think of my life and what I want to do with it, I am stumped. I simply don't know. Maybe, just maybe... I should walk 'Into the wild' Maybe I should just disappear, walk away from it all...

I have not been able to sleep well since I have watched this movie, there are so many other thoughts and emotions running through my mind I can not rest, when ever I try to put them in writing, or draw something, nothing happens. I am lost, in a world full of sheep.

I am planning on buying the book and the movie so I can watch and read it when I please. But for now, this is an amazing song from the movie, the lyrics are touching. Please watch.

Hope I have not scared you off with my deep and meaning full post.

Until next time.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day one.

So, I deactivated my Facebook last night for exactly seven days.

I was over peoples shit and had just had enough of everyone knowing everyones business. It was too much and I also wanted to see what my life would be like for a week without it. I go on Facebook at work all of the time, partially because it is on my iPhone.

So I deleted it.

Day one has been pretty interesting. Every morning when I wake up I used to check Facebook. This morning when I woke up I went to check Facebook then remembered that I didn't have it anymore. It surprisingly didn't bother me too much.

Throughout the day I went to check my iPhone and would hit where I used to have the Facebook application, but nothing happened. Then I remembered again, I didn't have Facebook.

Life so far has been alright without it, I haven't been craving it as much as I thought that I would. But then again it is the weekend, and it is easy to fill your days with doing washing, watching movies, visiting family and making dinner. It is going to be interesting seeing what it is like at work without Facebook.

I will admit, Facebook is an amazing way for people to connect and talk, especially if you haven't seen or spoken to them in a while. I do miss that aspect of it, but not the other stuff that comes with it. I should go through and delete the people that annoy me.

Anyway, I read another great quote today, and it goes a little something like this -

There is no fate, but what we make for ourselves. Does the routine destroy out creativity or do we loose creativity and fall into the routine?

This quote stuck out of the page as I was reading and I couldn't get it out of my head. Ever since I left school and started working full time, I have felt like my creativity has been leaving me. I used to love to draw and write and read. But now I am just a drone, I do everything the same. There are no differences in my life from day to day. It is kind of sad really. And gives you a whole heap to think about....

Until tomorrow ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011

When did we forget our dreams.

The infinite possibilities each day holds should stager the mind.
The sheer number of experiences I could have is uncountable and breathtaking, sadly I am still sitting here refreshing my inbox. We live trapped in loops. Reliving a few days over and over, and we only envision a handful of paths laid out to us. We see the same things each day, we respond the same way, we think the same thoughts, each day a slight variation on the last.
Every moment smoothly following the gentle curves of society norms. We act like if we get through today, tomorrow our dreams will come back to us.

And no, I don't see all the answers. I don't know how to jolt myself into seeing what the moment could become. But I do know one thing: The solution doesn't involve watering down my every little idea and creative impulse for the sake of some day easing my fit into a mold. It doesn't involve tempering my life to better fit someones expectations. It doesn't involve constantly holding back for fear of shaking things up.

This was in a book I recently purchased. Amazingly written. I love this, and I need to start living my life by it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

... Something to say ...

I feel like I should up date for the sake of updating. I don't really have much to say. And the things I want to say are too confusing.

Monday, January 31, 2011

... Ever Wonder? ...

Have you ever wondered -

- If someone is doing the exact same thing as you are.
- If someone is writing in there blog at this exact same time.
- Planning there future.
- Twisting there hair in there fingers.
- Watching the same TV Show as I am.
- Wearing a black polo shirt.
- Own a white Mitsubishi Magna, made on the exact same year and the same day.
- Having a child.
- Getting married.
- Getting divorced.
- Breathing there last breath.
- Crying.
- Running away.
- Staring at the same stars.
- Or dreaming the same dream.

Ever wonder if there is someone on this world walking around that you are destined to meet?
Or if there is someone you are destined to fall in love with?

What if your life's are already planned and no matter what we do it's not going to change. Like a scratchy you buy from the news agency no matter how you wish and prey that you win something, it has already been printed, and it knows your destiny. What if life was like that?

Ever wonder if there was someone in this world exactly like you.
- Someone who liked to draw.
- Someone who was a hermit and liked there own company.
- Was interested in the same books as you.
- Listened to the same music.
- Had the same sort of friends.
- Liked the same kind of movies.
- Had the same laptop.
- The same TV.
- Same sort of clothes.
- And same sort of attitude.

I believe that you can choose your own destiny. But our story has already been written. It is up to us to fill it's pages with wonderful adventures. People. Places. Foods. Cultures. And things.

People come. People go. But the best ones are with you for life.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

.. Changes ...

So I cannot even begin to describe the feelings that are welling up inside of me.
I can't write them on my blog just yet, because unfortunately there are people that read this who would tell the whole town. So when the date comes closer I will share my feelings and my plans with my blog and the blogging world.

If anyone reads this I ask that you wish me luck. I ask that I am making the correct decision. That everything is going to work out and that I am not throwing everything away to chase after a dream. I hope that I have enough money and that I won't get depressed. And I hope that I enjoy everything that life has to throw at me. I know that life sometimes throws us curves balls. And upsets us, and at that moment it doesn't seem fair. But in the long run everything is going to work out. I am going to tell myself this when I am down in the dumps.

And I am going to tell anyone who reads this to wish me luck. I will need it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Another Year. Another Flood.


This is the year that everything is going to change.
I can feel it deep down within myself.
I am going to break free.
And probably live out of my comfort zone.
But it's all for the better.
I can't wait to get out of this town.