Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day one.

So, I deactivated my Facebook last night for exactly seven days.

I was over peoples shit and had just had enough of everyone knowing everyones business. It was too much and I also wanted to see what my life would be like for a week without it. I go on Facebook at work all of the time, partially because it is on my iPhone.

So I deleted it.

Day one has been pretty interesting. Every morning when I wake up I used to check Facebook. This morning when I woke up I went to check Facebook then remembered that I didn't have it anymore. It surprisingly didn't bother me too much.

Throughout the day I went to check my iPhone and would hit where I used to have the Facebook application, but nothing happened. Then I remembered again, I didn't have Facebook.

Life so far has been alright without it, I haven't been craving it as much as I thought that I would. But then again it is the weekend, and it is easy to fill your days with doing washing, watching movies, visiting family and making dinner. It is going to be interesting seeing what it is like at work without Facebook.

I will admit, Facebook is an amazing way for people to connect and talk, especially if you haven't seen or spoken to them in a while. I do miss that aspect of it, but not the other stuff that comes with it. I should go through and delete the people that annoy me.

Anyway, I read another great quote today, and it goes a little something like this -

There is no fate, but what we make for ourselves. Does the routine destroy out creativity or do we loose creativity and fall into the routine?

This quote stuck out of the page as I was reading and I couldn't get it out of my head. Ever since I left school and started working full time, I have felt like my creativity has been leaving me. I used to love to draw and write and read. But now I am just a drone, I do everything the same. There are no differences in my life from day to day. It is kind of sad really. And gives you a whole heap to think about....

Until tomorrow ;)

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