Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Generations past..

I was going to start this post with 'Remember when' but it didn't seem fitting. So instead this post is starting with -

'I wonder' ... I wonder what it would have been like to grow up in a society that still has values and moral standards.

I wonder what it would have been like to grow up amongst real men. You know the ones that don't straighten there hair. Wear eye liner. The ones that don't parade around in skinny black jeans. Listen to Justin Beiber and don't sleep with as many 'Chicks' as possible. Don't scratch your head. Can you really not remember real men? Sad isn't it. I am beginning to feel the same way.

I will remind you.

Real men are ones that aren't afraid to get dirt under there nails or roll around in the mud. The ones that are devoted to one partner. That work hard for there money and don't expect Mummy and Daddy to empty there wallets for there convince. The men that drive ute's around with a thousand dents in them and a few spots of healthy rust. None of those skyline, suped up, turbo pussy cars. Just to put it out there you don't impress me when you drive past me in your pussy car and rev the engine a few times. I think your a douche.

I wonder what it would have been like to grow up in a society that had manners and respect. I cannot remember the last time a man opened a door for me. Or took a carton from me that was too heavy. Or even nodded there head in acknowledgement as I walked past. Some old men still open doors for me. Take heavy freight. And nod there head. But they are old. It has been drilled into them from an early age. What happened to the younger generation? They need to start stepping up.

I wonder what it would have been like to walk down the street and see men less fashionable then me. Most of the men I see prancing down the street, walk like they are at a fashion show and have better clothes then I do. Have better hair. Have better moisturizers. Deodorants. And shoes then I do... AGAIN!! What happened?

I wonder what it would have been like to be asked for my number instead of "Do you have Facebook?" I would much better prefer talking to someone on the phone then over Facebook. It's too impersonal and you can't get to know someone properly over Facebook.

I say bring back the real man. The one from generations past. Who knew how to treat a girl on a date and show them a good time. Instead of the one who is more afraid of breaking a highly manicured nail and getting dirty then have a good adventure.

Too all men of this generation. It's time to stop chocking on hair spray. Go outside. Take a deep breath ofresh air. Wipe the make up off. Peel off the skinny jeans. Resuscitate your balls. Stop dressing like a drag queen on crack. And-


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