Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Spirit.

So it's that time again. Everyone is wiping the dust of the Christmas decorations box that they have had stowed away all year. And are starting to decorate.

I remember when I was a child decorating the tree and putting the lights up was one of the highlights about Christmas. It was a magical time when Santa came to visit. He had a reindeer with a nose that glowed. He brought us gifts. And the family together.

As I was a child I had my favorite decoration. It was a gold wind chime looking thing that had diamonds down the bottom of it that used to hang down. I always used to place it by a blue Christmas light. So when the lights on the tree were turned on it would send blue rainbows all over the roof and floor. I was amazed at it's beauty. I can't remember how many times I fell asleep on the couch starting at the beautiful blue diamond.

We had many traditions as a child when Santa came. Every night in the week leading up to Christmas my father would play a Christmas carol CD. I swear I know all of those songs off the top of my head. Dad used to play that until we fell asleep too. I also had Christmas lights in my room. I used to turn them on and stare at them until I grew to tired to keep my eyes open. I used to wear tinsel in my hair. And glitter on my face. I used to hand out Candy Cains and Christmas cards.

I used to believe in Santa and the spirit of Christmas.

But now that I am older and I look at Christmas. I see angry and tired parents carting around screaming children. I see people spending money on people they don't even like. I see people stressed out trying to buy practically everyone they know a present. And sending them a card. I see putting the lights and Christmas tree up a burden. And lets not mention the preparation of the Christmas day feast. I see people cringe at the thought of having to wrap presents up then on Christmas day having the paper scattered across the house. Then they cringe again as they realise that they have to clean it up. People put up Christmas lights now only to enter competitions. What happened to putting them up because they add to the mystery of Santa Clause?

Christmas is no longer about the simple things. People don't think about the wonderful day they are going to have with there family. They don't care about the few healthy drinks they are going to have and the reminiscing of the past and the stupid things they have done with friends. They don't pray when they sit down for the Christmas lunch. Or sit and relax. Everything is tense. Everything has to be prefect. You have to be prefect. The presents you brought for people you don't like have to be perfect. God save you if your judged on the gift you brought. Your Family has to be on perfect behavior for the relatives you have staying with you or the relatives your going to go and see.

Everything has to be spot on or the day is ruined. I find this sad. I want to bring back the Christmases I used to have as a child. I want to put lights up in my room. Watch my blue glowing Diamond. Drive around town and watch Christmas lights not just for the competition but because it's Christmas!!

Christmas has lost it's spinelessness. I miss it. So this year. I am going to single handedly bring it back. Because in my reality - Santa is still real.

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